Yesterday - what a day! I spent the morning blogging and managing my business's website and social networks. Then in the afternoon I sat down to start sewing all of those beautiful precut fabrics. I also added some more fabrics into the mix - 1/4 yards that I cut down into 5" squares to make my own charm packs. It was a long but very rewarding day. My stack of precut fabrics has evolved into a new stack of fabric.
This stack of work looks like a layer cake of its own kind! Layered together are the linings that go with each group of charms which have been sewn together to create bag exteriors. This fabric stack will next become four different kinds of bags...charming shoulder bags, charming cross-body bags, single-fabric cross-body bags, and junior sized charm bags.
Seven hours of worked summed up in one picture! I have two charm exteriors that are still awaiting the right lining selection as well. I love feeling so accomplished! I can't wait to get all of these beautiful bags completed and added to my business inventory. I hope to have the next phase of these charm packs evolving into tote bags done soon!
This stack of work looks like a layer cake of its own kind! Layered together are the linings that go with each group of charms which have been sewn together to create bag exteriors. This fabric stack will next become four different kinds of bags...charming shoulder bags, charming cross-body bags, single-fabric cross-body bags, and junior sized charm bags.
Seven hours of worked summed up in one picture! I have two charm exteriors that are still awaiting the right lining selection as well. I love feeling so accomplished! I can't wait to get all of these beautiful bags completed and added to my business inventory. I hope to have the next phase of these charm packs evolving into tote bags done soon!
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