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Showing posts from December, 2012

Planning for the new year

  I enjoy writing about what I am working on in my sewing room on my blog.  In the coming new year I am hoping to improve my blog.  I am interested in knowing what you, the reader, want to read about!  Thus far I have posted mainly on my successes and creations in the sewing room.  When you are looking at a quilting blog what are you looking to see?  Is is just quilting inspiration?  Tutorials?  Giveaways?  Do you like to see completed projects or enjoy the pictures of the raw fabric stacked up and pretty too? I would love your comments and votes in order to improve my blog!

A Handmade Christmas - Wrap Up

    Our family had a wonderful Christmas and I hope that everyone else was able to enjoy a happy holiday with their families as well.    Now that all the presents have been opened I wanted to share all of the gifts that I was able to make for my family this year.  I should have started earlier, but instead I packed all of this sewing in to the three weeks before Christmas.     I used the Good Fortune line from Katie Spain to make a cross body bag for my sister and her husband's neice.  She was so happy to unwrap this on Christmas day and I hear she was making lists of all the things she could carry with is.  I was so happy to hear that she loved it so much! I'm glad they sent me Facebook pictures so I could see her with it.      My sister got a lot of handmade creations from me this Christmas.  First of all was this skirt.  Sadly she'll have to wait for warmer weather to enjoy this one. ...

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday. Have a very merry Christmas!

Christmas sewing

This has definitely been another handmade Christmas season! Everyone in my family is getting handmade things just for them.  From clothes to accessories, I've sewn a lot of fun things in these last few weeks.  I got a late start, but seem to have sewn quicker than usual!  There is only one thing left on sewing to-do list for this Christmas.  I'm feeling great about how productive I've been.  The most recent project I made is this wallhanging for my mom.    I kind of feel like it's a little corny for me to do a wallhanging with pictures, but it's not about what I would like, but what she would like.  And I know she's going to love it!  I simply printed the family photos on colorfast fabric sheets with 2" finished sashing strips.    To fill the extra space that doesn't have photos, I placed two of these great blocks, appropriately called "Nelson's Victory."  I hope she can appreciate the title of the quilt ...

E-Reader Woes

I was able to complete so much sewing work today!  It felt great to get it all done, but it was a struggle on the way.  The most difficult project turned out to be this Ereader cover.      I love the fabrics and how it turned out, but it was frustrating to get it sized to fit my specific reader.  I used my seam ripper more for this project that I have on any other single project ever! The pattern is the Reader Wrap from Atksinson designs.  A cute pattern, but a bit oversized for my Kindle Fire.    The surface area for the reader was too large for mine so I had to cut that down.  There was also too much space in the spine which caused the cover to fit too losely and sloppily.  The original pattern called for a bottom pocket to hold the reader in that had a hole cut for the power button and plug ins.  I thought the pocket was really cute and gave it a try, but it didn't hold the reader snuggly enough so I opted ...

Sunset Lake Wallhanging

 I have been so busy with inventory making and craft shows along with life in general, that sewing for myself and blogging have kind of been pushed to the wayside. Fortunately, I am back with an update! This week I was able to finish this wallhanging.   I made this from a kit that I purchased from Hingeley Road Quilt Shop in Floodwood, MN.  In general I am not one for kits.  I usually prefer to pick my own fabrics and make my own design.  Not to mention that I generally am not a fan of panels either.  In this case I guess I broke two of my rules.  I like the overall effect of the completed project and really thought it would tie into to the rustic decor that seems to be shaping up in my living room.  I like the fact that it looks like a framed pictured instead of a quilt.     Up close though, it is a bit overwhelmingly orange. Eventually I may use some fabric markers to add in a little color over top of the orange.  ...